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    Welcome to HF Hydraulics, Hydraulic Forum website. This forum provides technical consult 24/7 for all types of hydraulic and lubrication machinery.
    This includes all brands of hydraulic excavators as well as all makes of heavy equipment suited to owners, owner/operators, mechanics and dealerships.

    The objective of my forum is to provide technical guidance to isolate the root cause behind your problem being experienced with the machine and list the corrective actions that are required in order to have it properly fixed. This will be accomplished by utilizing this forum, communication by e-mail, taking digital photos and if need be technical consult done over the phone. On a rare occasion when a machine has a very unique issue that we just cannot quite pin-point, if all efforts made using the various avenues mentioned above have been exhausted, then I will make myself available to you at a reasonable fee and personally come out to the machine.

    Offer Terms and Conditions;
    - transportation will be arranged by HF Hydraulics and charged to client.
    Accommodations and travel to and from the machine are to be paid for and arranged by the client.
    - HF Hydraulics travel and labour rates are to be paid by the client at the time of booking.
    Travel rate @ $ 50.00 USD per hour
    Labour rate @ $ 80.00 USD per hour
    payment to HF Hydraulics is to be made in full by a money wire transfer prior to my booking travel plans.
    for all brands of machinery, those parts that are required to repair the machine are to be purchased off your local O.E.M. dealership and must be received ahead of my arrival. HF Hydraulics is not held responsible for any errors due to incorrect parts being shipped and received.

    Forum Rules

    Registration to this forum is by paid service plan subscriptions only.

    Register: https://www.hf-hydraulics.com/forum/register.php

    Renewals: https://www.hf-hydraulics.com/forum/payments.php

    Parties involved must be cautious when working on heavy equipment machinery.
    Please refer to your Operators Manual for safety precautions.
    HF Hydraulics is not responsible for any damages to machinery or personal injuries.

    my requirements are simple;
    - submit a new post of your problem with your machine for my review
    - provide a detailed explanation of your machine symptoms (point-form)
    - include your model and serial number of the machine in your post
    - in regards to specific engine problems, include the engine make, model type, and serial number, as well as the type of fuel injection pump. i.e.; rotary, inline, common rail, etc...
    - in regards to main machine components such as the main hydraulic pump assy., main hydraulic control valve, swing hydraulic motor/gear reduction, travel hydraulic motor/gear reduction...include all numbers stamped on the manufacturers tag which is usually found riveted to the component itself
    - also including digital photos of your machine and/or a short video of the machine when it is acting up can be a great help!
    The more information the better, for it will allow me to respond back to your problem much quicker thus reducing your downtime. The greater your efforts made, will allow me to only serve you better!

    Troubleshooting requirements:
    - a functioning cab dash display, otherwise it will be recommended that it be replaced for this will only impede and lengthen the troubleshooting process
    - digital multi-tester (NO test light)
    - hydraulic pressure test kit
    - Smartach Digital Diesel Engine Tachometer
    - access to be obtained and provided by the client to a complete shop service repair manual (digital preferred), or a full and complete electrical wiring schematic, hydraulic schematic, mechatronic section, machine engine RPM specs, hydraulic pressure specs and cycle time specification sheets.
    please note: a Hydraulic schematic and Electrical wiring schematic at the bare minimum is required.

    best regards,
    Adam Fairchild
    Hydraulic Excavator Specialist
    C.F.P.S. (Certified Fluid Power Specialist, http://www.ifps.org/)
    Electro-Mechanical-Automation & Robotics Engineering Technician
    Hydraulic & Pneumatic Engineering Technician

    HF Hydraulics
    56 Brooking Street
    Bowmanville, Ontario
    Canada L1C 5L5

    mob: 1-905-925-5392
    e-mail: adam@hf-hydraulics.com or hf_hydraulics@hotmail.com
    Skype ID: hydexcforum
    website: https://www.hf-hydraulics.com/
    Forum: https://www.hf-hydraulics.com/forum/forum.php

    "Like Me" on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HydraulicEx...ForumCommunity
    "Follow Me" on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HydExcForum
    Linkedin Company Page: http://www.linkedin.com/company/3074656?trk=tyah
    Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/104047...cs/about/p/pub
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyk...jKV9yfcZVQXv6Q
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hydexcforum/

website designed, owned and operated by

Adam Fairchild of HF Hydraulics

Hydraulic Excavator Specialist